Tuesday 1 March 2016

Rajasthan Mobile Number Database

Rajasthan Mobile Number Database

Database For Mobile Number in Rajasthan.
Companies that use a standard edition of Oracle's database software should be aware that a rapidly approaching deadline could mean increased licensing costs.
Oracle will stop selling its Database Standard Edition (SE) and Standard Edition 1 (SE1) products on Dec. 1, meaning customers who use those products will be "frozen in scalability," because they won't be able to buy new licenses or upgrade to new SE or SE1 releases, said Eliot Arlo Colon, senior vice president and Oracle practice leader with Miro Consulting.
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The Standard editions have been viable choices for companies seeking a lower-cost alternative to Oracle’s Enterprise Edition, Colon wrote in a report Thursday, but "Oracle is now changing the rules around Standard Edition licensing."
Those rules now put companies on track to migrate and upgrade to Standard Edition 2 or to the Oracle Database Enterprise Edition. Standard Edition 2 comes with greater limitations than SE or SE1, and it's also "highly likely" that migrating to SE2 will require new hardware, he said.

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source : infoworld.com/article/3004926/database/use-oracles-database-watch-out-for-this-dec-1-deadline.html

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