Friday 24 March 2017

Narendra Modi, in Twitter banter with Ravi Shastri, used wit and cricketing jargon to produce magic PR

Every now and then you hear of Narendra Modi's PR machine, its Indo-American antecedents, and how it uses clever slippery tactics to keep the prime minister in the limelight. To the best of my knowledge, no one has quite identified the team behind these machinations, and we perhaps give Modi less credit than he deserves. Even if there is this crack SAS equivalent of public relations honchos plotting and planning strategies, it's still got to get the Modi good governance stamp of approval.

For example, the clever way in which he responded to Ravi Shastri's congratulatory note on Twitter with a little bit of cricket lingo thrown in. That requires savvy, a developed sense of wit, and a certain flair not usually seen in our politicians.

This is where Modi scores. He adds that extra dimension and makes the message a little more thoughtful. If you are on his side you can see it as smart. If you are not a fan of his, you can dismiss the chat as no big deal. Which is true — it really is no big deal. But the others don't do it, and the effort he puts in creating bespoke situations for full effect is a sign of character. A PR executive tells me that Modi has mastered this art.

If there is a team functioning to make him marketable 24/7, and have him quoted in multiple fashion so that the rest of the competition is eclipsed, they have also introduced him to being pithy and brief yet make an impact.

In the world of PR, it's known as creating magic moments for your client. These can be singular and specific to an occasion, or general in content; but they are like beads in a necklace which ensure a continuity of the individual in the public eye. As one magic moment fades away or goes up the string, he is ready with the next one.

Sometimes, the strategy can include a bit of self-imposed criticism or even a dollop of negativity followed by a positive. Even his performance in the Varanasi roadshow, which upset purists like me who thought he was compromising security, was overwhelmingly received by the public as a display of guts and glory.

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