Monday 27 March 2017

Resign if you are not fit to work: HC to resident docs on strike in Maharashtra

The Bombay high court on Tuesday slammed resident doctors who have resorted to a strike since Monday to protest the recent attacks on their colleagues. It also granted liberty to hospital managements where the resident doctors are employed to take action against those who have on strike.

“You are not fit to be doctors,” said the division bench of Chief Justice Manjula Chellur and justice Girish Kulkarni. “You are fit to be an ordinary factory worker if you insist that you will not resume work until your demands are fulfilled,” the bench said.

The comment came after lawyer representing the Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors (MARD) contended that no security has been provided to doctors, although repeated orders have been passed by this court. Claiming that the resident doctors have not resorted to a strike, but have legitimately filed for leave with their respective higher authorities, the lawyer further contended that the demands of resident doctors have not been met, although assurances have been given in that regard to the court, and therefore resident doctors cannot continue to work in an atmosphere of fear. View more:-Bulk Sms Service provider

“Doctors cannot go on mass leave or resort to tactics like ‘go slow’,” said the bench, while refusing to take the excuses put forth by the lawyer into consideration. “If other doctors are working in the same hospitals without fear, we don’t understand what the problem with resident doctors is,” said the bench, adding, “Resign if you are not fit to work there and let other doctors take your place.”


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